A picture is worth a thousand words

Day 6 assignment during the”#blogging101″ course is to”
Create and publish your About page, then either adapt it into a widget on your home page or add it to your menu.

Retrieved on July 2015

Retrieved on July 13, 2015

I always draw illustrations while learning. I also love reading books, articles, novels, blog posts, and even tweets that include images. I think I am a visual learner. For anyone not just me, pictures are very powerful and lead to memorable moments. Maybe you forget words, but not pictures that stick to your mind. Once you see them, you so feel happy, excited, and curious to know more about the topic you are reading or following.

That’s why I chose to visualize my About Page. It seems a little bit easy, but it took a lot of time and effort. Here are the steps that I followed:

  1. I used Canva to create my poster, then I downloaded it as an image.
  2. I uploaded the poster to another cool online website called ThingLink.
    It can make images more interactive by adding text, links, videos, … etc.
  3. I created a new page and added it to my blog’s menu bar.
  4. I copied the picture’s embedded code from the website.
  5. I went to the “HTML” editor in my About Page and pasted it there.
  6. Finally, I hit “Publish.”

More Resources:

  • A webinar about how to use Canva and more links.
  • A blog post about ThingLink and how to use it with students.

What do you think?
Is that enough? Or do I still need to add words?
I am looking forward to hearing from you!